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苏明明等:A value-based analysis of the tourism uses of agricultural heritage systems: Duotian Agrosystem, Jiangsu Province of China,



With worldwide industrialization and urbanization, agricultural heritage systems are under threat at the global scale despite their exceptional values reflecting intricate human-nature relationships. As a new function of agricultural heritage, tourism does not realize its potential for heritage conservation and community development. Therefore, the integration of multiple heritage values with tourism is highly important for sustaining agricultural heritage systems and rural communities. This study conceptualizes a multiple value system of agricultural heritage to analyze its tourism use and identify linkages for integration. With Duotian Agrosystem, a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage System (GIAHS) in China, as an example, this study identifies the mismatch between tourism demand and supply. Relying on the authenticity of Duotian agricultural landscape in Spring, current tourism is highly seasonal. Limited tourist experiences and ways for community participation are available without sufficient tourism expressions of the historical, socio-cultural, educational, and research values. As a result, the enhancement in livelihood value is restricted. Therefore, innovations are needed to construct diverse links between tourism and the multiple values of Duotian Agrosystem to enhance tourism contributions to heritage conservation and community development. Theoretical and management implications are then discussed in a broader context.

KEYWORDS:  value, agricultural heritage systems; Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS); tourism; stakeholders; rural community

摘要: 随着世界范围的工业化和城市化,充分体现了复杂的人与自然关系的农业文化遗产系统在全球范围内受到威胁。旅游作为农业文化遗产的一种新功能,还没有充分发挥其遗产保护和社区发展的潜力。因此,将多种遗产价值与旅游业相结合,对于维持农业文化遗产体系和支持农村社区发展至关重要。本研究将农业遗产的多重价值体系进行了系统梳理和概念分析,进而依托农业文化遗产价值体系来分析和识别农业文化遗产和旅游融合发展的关键路径和结点。本研究以全球重要的农业遗产系统(GIAHS)江苏垛田农业系统为例,基于多元价值分析了旅游需求与供给之间的不匹配。研究表明当前旅游发展高度依赖垛田农业系统春季的农业景观价值,具有很强的季节性。同时,由于旅游体验和社区参与方式单一,未能充分体现历史、社会文化、教育和研究价值。一方面未能满足游客对垛田价值的体验需求,也未能带弄生计价值的有效提升。因此,为增强旅游业对遗产保护和社区发展的贡献,需要创新性的在旅游业与垛田农业系统的多重价值之间建立多样化的联系,推动农业文化遗产多元价值的旅游利用和社区参与。

关键词: 价值,农业文化遗产系统,全球重要农业文化遗产系统,旅游,利益主体,乡村社区

原载于Journal of Sustainable Tourism,(2019 Impact Factor = 3.986)
