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陈倩、朱芬芬等:The function of “Cambi® thermal hydrolysis + anaerobic digestion” on heavy metal behavior and risks in a full-scale sludge treatment plant based on four seasons investigation



The environmental risk of heavy metals in sewage sludge from a full-scale “Cambi® thermal hydrolysis + anaerobic digestion” sludge treatment plant was discussed based on four seasons’ data. Results showed that the order of heavy metal concentration in sludge was Zn > Cu > Cr > Ni > As > Pb > Hg > Cd, which all increased significantly due to the “enrichment effect” caused by the degradation of organics. Nevertheless, the mass of heavy metals except for Cd decreased. Chemical fractions of different heavy metals in raw sludge varied greatly. The proportion of their residual fraction all increased slightly after treatment. Thermal hydrolysis and anaerobic digestion led to the transformation of some heavy metal fractions. Deep dehydration process reduced the mass of heavy metals from sludge (less than 10%). Potential ecological risk of heavy metals was low (RI<150) when sludge is applied 0.75 kg/m2 to soil according to GB 4284–2018, in which the risk of Hg and Cd was highest. Furthermore, the accumulation amounts of heavy metals in test soil and rural soil with the annual sludge application amount of 0.75 kg/m2 for 15 years were calculated, which did not exceed GB 36600–2018 and GB 15618–2018 respectively.

KEYWORDS: Sewage sludgeHeavy metalAnaerobic digestionCambi® thermal hydrolysisEnvironmental risk


基于四季调研数据,探讨了污水处理厂污泥 “Cambi®热水解+厌氧消化工艺处理过程中重金属的行为及环境风险。研究结果表明:污泥中重金属浓度依次为Zn>Cu>Cr>Ni>As>Pb>Hg>Cd,由于有机物降解引起的富集效应,重金属浓度均显著增加。然而,基于质量衡算结果,重金属的质量有所下降(镉除外)。污泥中不同重金属的化学形态差异较大,经工艺处理后残渣态的比例都略有增加。热水解和厌氧消化过程中部分重金属形态发生转化。深度脱水过程减少了污泥中重金属的质量(小于10%)。根据GB 4284–2018,当污泥施用量为0.75 kg/㎡的污泥时,重金属的潜在生态风险较低(RI<150),其中汞和镉对风险指数贡献最大。此外,以0.75 kg/㎡的年施用量将污泥连续15年施用于试验土和农村土壤中,重金属积累量都不会超过GB 36600-2018GB 15618-2018

关键词: 城市生活污泥;重金属;厌氧消化;Cambi®热水解;环境风险


砷、铅、汞、铬、镉等重金属广泛存在于各类环境介质中,对生态环境和人类身体健康造成严重威胁。城市生活污泥作为污水处理的副产物,富集了大量重金属,其行为及去向应重点关注。 “Cambi®热水解+厌氧消化工艺是北京城市生活污泥的主要处理工艺,目前仍缺乏对该工艺过程中重金属的迁移转化规律研究及风险评估,且污水处理厂中污水性质随季节变化,进而影响污泥特性,因此本研究分别于1月、4月、7月、10月沿工艺全流程采样,探讨了该工艺各污泥处理单元(离心脱水、Cambi®热水解、厌氧消化、板框压滤脱水)对重金属的浓度、质量、形态变化的影响,并采用了潜在生态风险指数(RI)和土壤重金属累积预测模型对污泥土地利用时重金属的短、长期风险进行评估。

1 图形摘要



2 不同重金属在不同污泥处理单元后浓度变化


3 污泥及重金属质量衡算结果


4 污泥中重金属生物有效性变化

4)根据GB 4284-2018中污泥施用量为0.75 kg/㎡时,表层土壤中重金属的潜在生态风险较低(RI<150),其中汞和镉对潜在生态风险指数贡献最大。若以0.75 kg/㎡的年污泥施用量将污泥产品连续15年施用于土壤中,重金属累积浓度分别不超过GB 36600-2018GB 15618-2018

5 连续施用15年污泥产品后土壤中重金属累积量

原载于Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022 Impact Factor = 14.224
