会议日程 | Third Call for papers─the Fifth Congress of the East Asian A
EAAERE is pleased to announce in the upcoming Fifth Congress of EAAERE, Prof. Robert O. Mendelsohn (Yale University),
Prof. Jason F. Shogren (University of Wyoming) and Prof. Paul Ekins (University College London) will participate as keynote
speakers to deliver speeches in the two-day Conference.
We would like to welcome you to present your papers at 2015 EAAERE. The deadline for abstract submission is April 7th,
2015. Please submit your paper or abstract online using the Conference Maker
at: //editorialexpress.com/conference/EAAERE2015.
You are very welcome to attend the Conference and visit the host city, Taipei, where has been listed as the number one
among 53 must-see beautiful cities around the world this year by BuzzFeed.
Should you have any questions regarding to the Conference, please contact Ms. Joanne Huang, the secretary of the Local
Organizing Committee, at [email protected], tel:+886-2-27822791 ext 615