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讲座预告 | Richard Bridle and Chris Beaton:迈向可持续发展--能源补贴:规模、影响与改革挑战



Toward Sustainable Development -- Energy Subsidies: Size, Impacts and Overcoming Challenges to Reform



Richard Bridle and Chris Beaton

The International Institute for Sustainable Development


时间: 201391115:30-17:00


About the Talk (报告内容)

This talk will focus on the GSI’s work on energy subsidies, with respect to fossil-fuels, biofuels and renewable energy technologies for electricity generation. It will explore three questions: how much are countries spending on subsidies for different kinds of energy? What kind of impacts do different subsidies have? And—where energy subsidies are found to be harmful—what sorts of challenges need to be overcome so they can be reformed?

About the Speakers (报告人简介)

Richard Bridle - As a Project Researcher, Richard Bridle supports IISD’s Geneva-based Global Subsidies Initiative. His research interests include efficient design of renewable energy support policies, biofuels, green industrial policy and energy subsidies. Richard has a background in the renewable energy industry with experience in policy analysis, project management, development and procurement. He has played key roles in the successful realization of a number of large-scale renewable energy projects and has participated in national and international fora on renewable energy policy.

Chris Beaton is a Research Analyst and Communications Officer. He performs policy research on various projects within the trade and climate change domains, as well as supporting our Global Subsidies Initiative communications work, managing the GSI website and acting as editor for the monthly e-newsletter Subsidy Watch.

About IISD (IISD简介)

The International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) is a non-profit, non-partisan research institute with over twenty years of experience championing sustainable development around the world through research innovation, partnerships and communications.

IISD began the Global Subsidies Initiative (GSI) in 2005, with a mission to investigate how subsidies affect sustainable development and to develop policy solutions for harmful subsidies. GSI has been a leader in the identification, measurement and evaluation of subsidies for the energy sector. It has been particularly active identifying and assessing cost-effective measures to promote renewable energy. Previous projects with IRENA, UNEP, IEA-RETD, the European Environmental Bureau, Transport and Environment, the World Trade Institute, and many others have ensured that IISD has developed a deep understanding of the challenges facing renewables. Its wide array of high-level partners reflects IISD’s experience in facilitating policy dialogues.

** Reading (阅读) **

The Global Subsidies Initiative website:


A Subsidy Primer:


A Guidebook to Fossil-Fuel Subsidy Reform for Policy-Makers in South-East Asia: Executive Summary: //www.iisd.org/gsi/sites/default/files/ffs_guidebook_exec.pdf