活动预告 | 能源经济学课程
今年马中教授邀请到葡萄牙的Manuel pinho教授来2025最新赌博网站大全
讲授“Energy Economics”课程。此课程共六次,每周两次,周一、周四上午8:30-11:30,从6月11日开始,6月28日结束。在6次课中,有1-2次课程Manuel Pinho教授将邀请国际组织在华机构的知名专家为大家做讲座(具体安排待定)。
Manuel Pinho教授现在是美国哥伦比亚大学和耶鲁大学的访问教授,分别在这两个学校为学生讲授“国际能源政策”与“能源经济学”课程。Manuel Pinho教授2005-2009年担任葡萄牙政府经济与创新部部长,主管能源事务,并在2007年担任欧盟理事会能源事务部主席。
Class 1 Monday. 11th, June, a.m 8:30-11:30.
Energy units and global energy balance. Energy cycles. How Portugal became a leader in clean energies. What is new in alternative energies?
Class 2. Thursday. 14th, June, a.m 8:30-11:30.
The resource revolution; Resource prices since 1900: The resource intensive- low cost model of the past; c. Supply solution; Productivity solution; The earth energy balance and the greenhouse effect; Non linearity in climate science: feedbacks, tipping points, sinks; Climate scenarios, meaning of the 450 target Climate solution; Implications for energy policy.
Class 3. Monday. 18th, June, a.m 8:30-11:30.
World energy outlook, 2012. Global trends; The effects of Fukushima; Access to energy by 1.3 billion poor people; Is there a golden Era of gas? Quantitative cases study based on the Kaya identity
Class 4. Thursday.21th, June, a.m 8:30-11:30.
The game changers- China, energy security and climate change; Traditional and modern view about energy security; Economics of climate change; Geopolitics of climate change; Stabilization wedges; Current and prospective role of China in the world energy balance; Energy and environment targets of the 11th 5 years plan; Energy and environment targets of the 12th 5 years plan. Sustainable energy game.
Class 5. Monday. 25th, June, a.m 8:30-11:30.
Electricity markets and technologies; What is specific to electricity markets; Renewable v. nonrenewable sources; Global electricity trends; Levelized costs of electricity production; Investment case in generation; Market structure: vertically integrated model v. deregulation; China’s electricity challenge. Quantitative case study based on investment in power generation.
Class 6. Thursday.28th, June, a.m 8:30-11:30.
Oil and gas; Story of oil; Value chain; Technological change; World oil reserves: peak oil v. undulating plateau; New world oil landscape: Opec, national oil companies; How to reduce oil consumption by the transport sector? Natural gas value chain; Technological change: shale gas, LNG; World natural gas reserves; Natural gas for electricity production.